Maine - 2023

Final Grade


Projected Grade


Graduation Requirements

Is a high school course with personal finance concepts required to be taken as a graduation requirement? Yes, Maine requires students to take two years (or the equivalent in standards of achievement) of social studies and history, including American history, government, civics, and personal finance. Students may demonstrate achievement through multiple pathways, including evidence documented by course and learning experiences using multiple measures, such as examinations, quizzes, portfolios, performances, exhibitions, projects, and community service.

Projected Grade Narrative

Although a bill has been introduced in the legislature in 2023 that would require a stand-alone course in financial literacy as a graduation requirement, currently there is no policy change pending that would change the Maine’s grade.

High School Education Standards

Maine’s social studies content standards include a personal finance and economics strand. Local school districts are required to teach students these topics. Local school districts determine whether to teach personal finance as a separate course or to integrate the topic into other courses. Instruction hours cannot be estimated since each school district selects how it will meet the personal finance education requirement. According to NGPF’s Got Finance website, nearly two-thirds of Maine students attend high schools that offer a stand-alone personal finance course as a graduation requirement or elective. By law, school districts are required to offer students life and career readiness opportunities to help them successfully enter the workforce, including creating and implementing postsecondary school plans.

Extra Credit

Maine’s Department of Education website has many financial literacy resources for educators.

Pre-K to Grade 8 Education Standards

Maine’s social studies standards require personal finance and economics financial topics to be taught each year in grades K to 8.


It is not clear how Maine measures student achievement in financial literacy or how the state monitors local school district implementation of the financial literacy education requirement.

Year Of Projected Grade