Indiana - 2017

Final Grade


Graduation Requirements

Is a high school course with personal finance concepts required to be taken as a graduation requirement? No, a specifically identified course with personal finance concepts is not a graduation requirement. However, Indiana high school students must meet the financial literacy education standards prior to graduation. Indiana allows each school district to determine how it will provide that instruction. See: Indiana High School Graduation Requirements.

High School Education Standards

In 2009, Indiana required schools to incorporate into their curriculum (in grades six through 12) instruction in personal financial responsibility. See: Indiana Code Requiring Financial Literacy Education (scroll to IC 20-30-5-19). By the end of Grade 12, every student should have met the Financial Literacy Education (FLE) High School Standards. See: Indiana 12th Grade Financial Education Standards. Schools may prepare their students to be proficient in the FLE High School Standards through instruction in business education, family and consumer sciences, or other subject areas if those are not available. The Department of Education created guidelines to help local school districts provide opportunities for students to receive financial literacy education by integrating it within their curriculum or by conducting a seminar that is designed to foster overall personal financial responsibility. See: Indiana Financial Literacy Standards and Indiana Guidelines for Schools Including Personal Finance.


It is not clear how Indiana measures student achievement in financial literacy or how the state monitors local school district implementation of the financial literacy education requirement.