Is a high school course with personal finance concepts required to be taken as a graduation requirement? No, a specifically identified course with personal finance concepts is not a graduation requirement. See: Colorado High School Graduation Requirements.
Colorado academic standards include a Personal Financial Literacy Expectations Addendum to social studies and mathematics standards. See: Colorado Personal Finance Standards. Local district graduation policies must align with the Colorado academic standards. See: Colorado regulation requiring adoption of standards. Prior to 2016, Colorado law required that each district adopt assessments that are aligned with the financial literacy standards. This legal requirement was repealed in 2015 (Colorado Revised Statutes Title 22, Article 7, Part 4, Sections 401-414).
Colorado law requires the Colorado Department of Education to provide online financial literacy resources for teachers and school districts. See: Colorado Financial Literacy Resources.
It is not clear how Colorado monitors local school district implementation of the financial literacy education requirement.